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A patent grants the inventor of a new invention the exclusive rights to protect its creation, commercializing it and reaping the benefits of its use for a...

Patent Dues & Fees


Dues and fees with regard to the various transactions of patent registration ...

I want patent protection in Curaçao. How can I do this?


“I have an invention for which I’m seeking patent protection in Curaçao. How can I do this?” ...

I have the idea of making a cordless robot-like vacuum cleaner and would like to ask for a patent for this invention. What should I do?


“I have the idea of making a cordless vacuum cleaner that is supposed to work on its own similar to a robot and would like to ask for a patent for this...

I want to protect my invention with a worldwide patent, is that even possible?


“I want to protect my invention with a patent that covers patent protection in all countries of the world (worldwide). Is that even possible?” ...

I turned my hobby of crème making into a business. What can I do now to patent my crème?


“I turned my hobby of crème making into reality. I made a lemon crème that is showing very good results on the skin. Now that I have the right mixture of...

Can I request patent protection for an existing Brazilian product?


“I’m planning to introduce an existing Brazilian product on the local (Curaçao) market and would like to request patent protection for this product. I...

Patent protection application


For patent protection application: go to the website of Octrooicentrum Nederland. This entry is required because patents are granted to the patentee by the Dutch Kingdom.

Obtain patent submit


To obtain a patent submit three (3) copies of application form

Patent application


Prior to patent application perform an investigation in databases to affirm authenticity EPO

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