A trademark registered at the Bureau for Intellectual Property of Curaçao is valid for Curaçao. Protection of a trademark on an international level is also possible in accordance with the provisions of the Madrid Protocol. The international registration has a period of validity of 10 years,
A registration of a trademark is not renewed automatically. The registration is renewed, upon request, for additional periods of 10 years. The renewal should be requested within the six months preceding the lapse of the period of validity of the application.
The application for a registration has a period of validity of 10 years, counting from the date of registration. The symbol of which the trademark consists must not be altered, neither during the application, nor on the occasion of its renewal.
The law provides that names, drawings, imprints, stamps, letters, figures, forms of products or of packages and all other symbols that serve to distinguish the products or services of a business, are considered to be trademarks.
A trademark is any symbol that is used to distinguish the products or services of one business from those of another.